Refer a customer to your phone number. Use non-computerized collection methods.
Provide an order form of some kind on the site. Automatically email the completed form to you.
Use a Virtual Terminal page. Least complex, most economical.
Credit Card purchases and check processing are made at their secure page
Automatic Clearing Systems (ACS) coordinate with different banks
Your risk, expenses and liability are minimized...
- You don't need to write encryption methods
- You don't need to store credit card information
- ACS approval methods can be tailored to your needs
- Receipts can be emailed to customers automatically
- Your site is immediately informed about the status of their purchase
- The customer is returned to a page on your site
- Use an ACS API (Applications Programming Interface)
More complex, most control.
- A shopping cart may be needed if you have several charges to total before processing a charge.