Years  |
Summers 2006 through 2011 Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters (Seasonal) - Usher and Security at the 74th to 79th year of this southern California event. Every performance of the Pageant's 2,600 seats is always sold-out. The orchestra, narration and recreation of sculpture and paintings by actors results in an astounding 2-hour presentation. Fine art by local artists is displayed on the Festival grounds.
Consultant, Architect, Analyst, Webmaster, Project Manager
Desktop, client-server, and intranet application development and migration using many tools. Internet web site creation, analysis, rework and disaster-control using HTML, dHTML, CSS, XML, ASP, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#.Net, ADO.Net, SQL, graphics, vbScript and javaScript.
Data conversions and integrations. Interview administrators and users, gather requirements, resolve architecture and specifications, define methodologies, gap analysis, team mentoring, code, test, documentation, rollout. Management consulting, code reviews, technical evaluations, legal consulting and due diligence.
Expert opinions based on 35 years of experience in information technology, health care, manufacturing, retail, and business development.
Chair Pros - Office furniture specializing in 911 call centers and 24/7 service installations for emergency, police and fire personnel. Architect, developer, programmer, webmaster. 50 HTML pages, 80 ASP pages, 500 illustrations, shopping cart, credit cards, 2002-present.
Converting Express, eCommerce website for LA envelope manufacturer. Design, architecture, programming and development. HTML, CSS, ASP.Net, C#.Net, ADO.Net, SQL, CSS, Javascript, graphics, sales, order-entry, credit card clearing, service tracking using barcodes, 2008.
HarborObjects,LLC Design, architecture, programming and development. HTML, CSS, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#.Net, ADO.Net, SQL, Ajax, CSS, Javascript, graphics. 2006-7
eee Chairs Office chair web site for marketing brand experimentation. HTML and dHTML for Apache server.
Earthboard skateboard product displays. This page demonstrates the development of look-and-feel as well as some useful technical methods.
Gemshow-Online - Silver, Crystal and Bali bead retail sales at wholesale prices. Quick response for jewelers and hobbyists. Developer, programmer, fulfillment. Wrote FTP for shopping cart coordination with order processing. 2003-2006.
- - Web site for a videographer, photographer and experimental artist. HTML/dHTML/CSS/javaScript.
- - Web site for a photographer. Custom presentations of photographic images. HTML/dHTML/CSS/javaScript.
- - Web site for a printmaking artist. HTML/javaScript/CSS. Unique grouping organization and device image presentations. HTML/dHTML/javaScript.
- - Ecommerce Web site. Retail Tire Sales. HTML/dHTML/javaScript/CSS/ASP/ASPX/C#/SQL.
- - Ecommerce Web site. Automated site generation and hosting for films, producers, directors, actors, and musicians. HTML5/dHTML/CSS/javaScript/ASP/ASPX/C#/VB/VBS/SQL. Automated Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn API generation.
Beach Cities auto trading site. Interesting graphic techniques.
Click banners below to see more examples. I continue to develop and use some of my
established concepts for user interfaces.
See the technical section for detail, platform and tools.
There is also a page that is an overview of this site.
See packaging,
advertising, and sales pages.
Summers 2006 through 2011 Laguna Beach Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters (Seasonal) - Usher and Security at the 74th through 79th year of this southern California event. Every performance of the Pageant's 2,600 seats is always sold-out. The orchestra, narration and recreation of sculpture and paintings by actors results in an astounding 2-hour presentation. Fine art by local artists is displayed on the Festival grounds.
Many Clients since 1981
The health industry has
new standards.

iWay Software
, New York, NY - HL7 (Health Level Seven) Message adaptations for the iXTE conversion engine.
Product and Market Analysis performed in New York through Global Technologies, London, England.
Identify and outline product adapter for HL7 medical communications product.
Spring and Summer
County of San Bernardino
, CA
ISD, Information Services Department
Consultant, Project Leader,
Web Site Development.
Revamp site for the San Bernardino County JESD,
Job Employment Security Department. The site matches employers and job
seekers, distributes economic information and job tools. Tasks: User interface modifications, alter
features, alter and tune the backend, clarify content delivery and update
look-and-feel using ASP, COM, SQL 7, basic and Java scripting. Team Management, artist and coders.
Successful intranet development site provided immediate feedback with county personnel. ADA compliancy.
Winter 12-000 to 2-2001
Gauss, Irvine, CA, (1099)
Consultant, Kiosk Presentation Development
Created GUI WYSIWYG UI development environment for presentation development and subsequent thick client RAS delivery at 500 distributed sites. Used VB 6 and Borland C/C++.
Click to see details about this project |
7-2000 to 12-2000 |
 SEI Information Technologies, Los Angeles, CA
, (W2)
Senior Systems Architect / Consultant
MS systems architecture, including COM+ and dot-Net preparation. C# research. Participated in teams preparing various proposals for
this large and prestigious consulting firm in downtown Los Angeles.
The above 180-degree panorama from the Manufacturer's Life building was made by editing 40 frames from a digital video recording. Left to right: Union Bank, Bonaventure, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Library Tower
(tallest) and the Arco/Bank of America Towers (Arco Plaza).
3-2000 to
7-2000 |, Inc., Pomona, CA, (W2)
Medical communications among physicians, hospitals, labs and insurance companies. UB-92, HIPAA, X.12, screenscraping, forms, VB.
11-1999 to
2-2000 |

Air Quality Management District (AQMD)
, Diamond Bar, CA
, (1099) (99-00) Government budget with client-server Access and VBA
2-1999 to
11-1999 | 
Pacific Data Technologies
, Aliso Viejo, CA
, (1099) Data warehousing & conversions. Normalized county assessors' tax data for the enterprise.
Developed methodology and wrote manual. Wrote custom VB programs and DataJunction VB scripts. EBCDIC COBOL, SQL, Foxpro, and other DB importations into DB2.
6-1998 to
12-1998 |
Group, Irvine, CA
, (1099) Created CRM and hardware service support software. In-house workflow and contact
management system that provided automatic distribution of support calls, recording and supervisory evaluation. VB5,
6, Access and SQL on NT. Linksys is a major manufacturer and distributor of networking hardware devices.
1-1998 to 5-1998 | 
, Inc., Reno, NV, Dallas, TX and Irvine, CA, (1099) Knowledgebases. Wrote a product in MS Visual Basic version 5 |
1997 1988 to 1997

Dynamic Pathways Company

180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA
Founder, Partner and CEO, 1989-1997
Hundreds of thousands of units of
prepackaged software were written and sold direct to
users and through distribution to retail
BestBuy, CompUSA, EB, etc).
Joint venture
with Virgin, 1988-91. Five to 12 employed.
Manufacturing was outsourced. Products included software,
text content, manuals and workbooks: "Success,
Inc", the Powerful Business Plan writer, Sales and
Marketing Success and Startup Success. Based on an intuitive approach to the organization
of successful businesses, the reader was guided through foundational business evaluations and reporting.
The planning structure was designed to establish the basis of the production of value, and the conversion of
intangible assets into fiscal generation through operations. Variable expense structures were encouraged.
Predictive fiscal matrixes were discouraged. This qualitative analysis was well-received by customers as well
as banking institutions. Branded and customized planning packages were developed for Yamaha franchise dealerships.
A marketing program gave discounts to professional business planners, SCORE, libraries and governmental agencies.
These ground-breaking products established shelf space and created a genre. I wrote all code in C using
single-buffered screen RAM for DOS and later Win16 and Win32 API; certified by Microsoft for DOS, Windows 3.1, 95 and 98.
One million lines of code. Versions were internally encrypted, required no external libraries (DLLs) or
required any collateral software. Installation and removal were self-integrated with MS Windows. Consequently,
post-sales support requirements were minimal.
| Introduced the Windows 95/98 versions of all three products.
Expanded the Users' Manuals into Business Planning and Sales and Marketing Plan Workbooks.
Secured our dominance in our newly-created "Business Planning" market segment with major initiatives...
- Wingstacks and endcaps placed at CompUSA, Staples, BestBuy, Walmart, and Price/Costco
- Regular full page ads in Airline magazines supplied in cabins of American and Northwest Airlines.
- Hosted lunch at the national SCORE convention coupled with "partnership pricing."
- National newspaper advertisements
- Continued support of the Russian initiatives as communism was replaced with capitalism
Initiatives in the Soviet Union during Glasnost.
- Translated the business planning product into Russian. Hardware (Rainbow Sentinal) was included for security.
- Participated in hosting classes on "Free Enterprise" at the Long Beach World Trade Center with Tom Kemp's "Initiatives in Russia for Free Enterprise."
- Businessmen/administrators from the then-communist Moscow area were hosted in Orange County through a sister-cities program.
- Wrote the "multilanguage version", ready for any combination of languages.
Began showing at the Las Vegas Comdex conventions. Released Startup Success.
 | Completed and introduced the MS Windows 3.1 version of Success, Inc and Sales and Marketing Success.
Ended joint venture with Virgin. Virgin became a distributor for Dynamic Pathways.
Opened a Dynamic Pathways office in Hertz, England and produced the British version of Success Adapted the DOS font-sets to transparently include European and Cyrillic characters.
| Distributor Ingram bought Micro D and Handelman rack-jobbers, becoming Ingram Micro.
Tech Data began sales; Electronic Boutique grew; Egghead shrank. Merisel began to market the product in Europe |
Computer Warehouse became CompUSA. Egghead sales were very strong. Price/Costco began computer software sales. |
Opened an office on Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach, California |
1990 |
Wrote the windowing Macintosh System 7 version with Symantec Think C.
Produced Sales and Marketing Success using the same DOS engine as Success, Inc. Sears and Businessland began selling software, as did two thousand "mom and pop" software retailers. |
Began sales of Success, Inc as an MS-DOS program for shrinkwrapped sales by our new company, Dynamic Pathways Company | Dynamic Pathways entered a Joint Venture with Virgin Interactive Entertainment , (CEO Martin Alper) formerly MasterTronic of Irvine, CA. I produced the software, Virgin manufactured and distributed. Continued relationship from 1989 through 1992 |
1988 | Co-authored text content for the business planning package. Completed the 2-year project to migrate a portion of the TQ System from MS Basic to Borland C, MS DOS 2.01.
Integrated content into the presentation engine used with this new product called 'Entrepreneur's Edge', renamed, 'Success, Inc'. |
1987 |
Wrote a grant proposal for the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program. Proposed using the touchscreen TQ System in clinics and hospitals to conduct psychiatric interviews The Shrink in a Box, for the NIH (National Institute of Health) |

TQ SYSTEMS 412 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, CA Founder and Owner, 1984-1989 The above mass-produced software of Dynamic Pathways was developed partially from this Questionnaire Automation package.
Touchscreen computers were networked to provide real-time automated questionnaire presentations for the collection
of survey data. All original code for turnkey setup, presentation and data analysis. Designed, wrote, marketed, sold, installed and serviced. Became a
Hewlett-Packard VAR (Value Added Reseller) |
1986 |
and serviced the first Questionnaire Automation Facility
with 16 touch terminals at a food company testing kitchen
laboratory. Computers were interfaced with HP-vended
3-Com EtherNet 802.3. Questionnaires were created,
presented and analyzed with the TQ turnkey system by
members of the statistics department. |
Introduced TQ System at the Annual IFT (International Food
Technology) Convention in Dallas, Texas. Spoke at IFT statistical conferences in Atlanta,
Georgia and Davis, California.
, Technical Center, Fullerton, CA
ConAgra Groceries Division,
Computer Systems Manager and
Project Leader, 1981-1984
Senior Scientific Computer Systems Analyst responsible for computer implementation
and service for 400 professionals among analytical chemistry, statistics, packaging, processes engineering
and product development. Managed
3356/57/1000 chromatographic analysis. Interfaced legacy mainframe systems. Wrote and
implemented a general data analysis system for which I received the 1984 Employee of the Year award in Research and Development.
1981 |
Long Beach Memorial Hospital,
Long Beach, CA Pediatrics Department
Developed and wrote program to use fast fourier transforms to measure pulmonary
compliance with an Apple II microcomputer. Wrote code using Motorola 6502 machine language. |
University of California Irvine Medical Center
Pediatrics Department,
101 City Drive South, Orange, CA
Cardiopulmonary Research Laboratory
Research Associate IV
, 1977-1981
Designed and performed experiments
to evaluate hypothermia as a pretreatment for surgery. Performed
experimental surgery on animals and taught catheterization to clinical nurses. Measured and analyzed
arterial and venous blood pressures, electrocardiography, tissue perfusion, oxygen balance and carbon dioxide
production. All parameters were measured in real-time on a DEC(Digital Equipment Corporation)
Minc / PDP-11. Programs for data collection and analysis were
written in Basic. Graphics and statistical summaries were published. Offered post graduate research credits to UCI
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, UCI
Medical Illustrator,
Pen and ink drawings of innovative reconstructive and plastic surgery techniques which were
published in professional journals.
1977 |
Pace Publications, Mercury Publications,
University of Michigan Medical School
Department of Physiology,
Ann Arbor, MI
Laboratory Research Associate II, 1975-1976
Cardiovascular Research: studied hemodynamics in cannulated dogs subsequent to artificially-stimulated
muscular exercise.
Medical Illustrator, Once Around the Circulation, by Harvey Sparks, MD
1974 1973

Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, MI MS
(Master of Science Degree), Biological Sciences, 1972-1974
Graduate Student Thesis: Electrocardiology of Rats and Ground
Squirrels Exposed to Acute Hypoxia. Compared the cardiovascular responses of rats and ground squirrels,
which are about the same size and can hibernate. The hibernating animals demonstrated entirely different
sequences of reactions, which were quantified and analyzed. Identified a fascinating relationship among
sympathetic and parasympathetic neurotransmitter mediators, involving norepinephrine, acetylcholine and
serotonin. Recognized a basic physical chemistry characteristic of active sites. Published and distributed
softcover version of thesis with illustrations. Two year program included courses in Ecology, Genetics,
Physiological Chemistry, Cardiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Biosimulation (Olivetti P602 computer.)
Teaching Associate, Taught Animal Physiology, BL310, lecture and
lab, using Guyton's texts. Coursework included emphasis on physiological chemistry, biochemistry and cardiology. Also taught Human Anatomy lab for Nursing Students.
for Michigan State University to design and cost a new MSU Medical School (MD & DO) clinical laboratory and
physical examination training facility at the MTU campus.
1972 1971
University of Michigan Medical School
, Ann Arbor, MI
MD program, Medicine, Incomplete, eligible for readmission
Medical Student
, 1969-1972
Anatomy, Histology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Neurology, Psychiatry,
Pharmacology, Microbiology, Clinical Medicine, Cardiology, Physical Diagnosis
University Hospital
, Heart Station
EKG Technician
, 1970-1972 (P/T)
Executed 24/7 portable routine and emergency EKGs throughout the Hospital.

Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company, Kalamazoo, MI
Microbiology Department, Portage Location
Microbiologist, Technician, summer 1969
Quality Assurance (Q/A) for Unicap vitamins and antibiotics: Neomycin, Bacitracin, Polymyxin B
(Mycitracin), Performed various standardized separation, and assay techniques, 1969 3-months

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
, 1965-1969
BS (Bachelor of Science Degree), Biological Sciences, 1969
Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry, Quantitative analysis, Physiological chemistry, Animal physiology, Plant physiology, Cell biology, Histology, Plant physiology, Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Biosimulation, Ecology, Animal behavior, Psychology, Physics, Calculus, Statistics, Literature, History, Economics, Glee Club, Alpine Ski Team
1965 |
 HOUGHTON CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, Houghton, MI Student, 1959-1965
HS, College Engineering, 1965
Located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
The Lode Theater
, Copper Theaters, Houghton, MI
Projectionist, Doorman
, 1962-1969 (25-45 hrs/wk), 1972-1975 (3-8 hrs/wk)
General tasks at a 650-seat motion picture theater, including operation of 35mm carbon-arc projection system, film preparation, changeovers, open and close auditorium, vending sales.
1959 | 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dependent, Paul Revere Village, Karlsruhe, Germany;
77th Engineering Battalion, Ettlingen
Also Fort Knox, KY, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, Salzburg, Austria, Linz, Austria, Vienna, Austria, Fort Belvoir, VA, Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA